Carles M. Cuadras



1.     Oller, J. M., Cuadras, C. M.. Representación canónica en MANOVA: Aplicación a una clase de diseno anidado. Questiió, 6(3), 221-229, 1982.

2.     Cuadras, C. M. Comentarios a "Teoría de la Información Estadística" por L. Pardo, Estadística Española,35,195-268. 1994

3.     Fortiana, J., Cuadras, C. M. A fa mily of matrices, the discretized Brownian Bridge and distance-based regression. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 264, 173-188, 1997.

4.     Cuadras, C. M. Reply to "Cuadras, C. M. (2000) Letter to the Editor by M.  Cohen, The American Statistician, 54 (1), p.87 ", The American Statistician, 54(4), p.326, 2000.

5.     Cuadras, C. M. Geometrical understanding of the Cauchy distribution. Questiio, 26, 283-287, 2002.

6.    Cuadras, C. M. First principal component characterization of a continuous random variable. In: Advances on Models, Characterizations and Applications ( N. Balakrishnan, I. Bairamov and O. Gebizlioglu, Eds.) . Chapman & Hall/CRC-Press, New York, pp. 189-199, 2005.

7.    Cuadras, C. M, Cuadras, D.,  Lahlou, Y. Principal directions of the general Pareto distribution with applications. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 2572-2583, 2006.

8.    Cuadras. C. M., Cuadras, D. A parametric approach to correspondence  analysis. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 417, 64-74, 2006.

9.    Cuadras, C. M., Cuadras, D. Eigenanalysis on a bivariate covariance kernel. Journal  of MultivariateAnalysis, 99 (10), 2497-2507, 2008

10.   Cuadras, C. M., Cuadras, D. A unified approach for the multivariate analysis of contingency tables. Open Journal of Statistics, 5, 223-232, 2015.

11.    Cuadras, C. M.  Contributions to the diagonal expansion of a bivariate copula with continuous extensions. Journal  of Multivariate Analysis, 139, 28-44, 2015.

12.    Cuadras, C. M., Salvo-Garrido, S. Some multivariate measures based on distances and their entropy versions. En: The Mathematics of the Uncertain, E. Gil et al., eds. Springer Int. Pub., pp. 475-484, 2018.

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