Una exposición en la Facultad de Biología (Edificio Margalef) sobre Estadística, historia de la Facultad y curiosidades.
Una exposició a la Facultat de Biologia (Edifici Margalef) sobre Estadística, història de la Facultat i curiositats.
An exhibition at the Faculty of Biology (Margalef Building) on Statistics, history of the Faculty and curiosities
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read more Computational statistics, or statistical computing, is the link between statistics and computer science. It refers to statistical methods that are enabled through the use of computational methods. It is the area of computational science (or scientific computing) specific to the mathematical science of statistics (See Vikipedia).
Since time immemorial, humanity has developed and used for its convenience or necessity, accessories that facilitate and shorten the practice of calculation. Examples of these have been the pebbles and abacuses of ancient civilizations. It is worth mentioning the calculation tables widely used in the Middle Ages and the slide rule. The first version of the slide rule appears in the year 1620, in England by Edmund Gunter and William Ougntred; It is not until the year 1750 when Leadbetter incorporates the strip giving it the current appearance. The use of mechanical accessories occurs until the seventeenth century. Almost simultaneously, Schickard (1624) and Blaise Pascal (1645), conceive and make mechanisms capable of adding and built with 10-tooth gears, each tooth representing one of the digits from 0 to 9. In both cases, the mechanism incorporated the haul management. In recent times, a mechanism was found among the wreckage of a Greek ship, which, in the opinion of some specialists, was built to facilitate elementary operations.
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Visitable exhibition in the Edifici Margalef of the Faculty of Biology (Universitat de Barcelona).
Exposició visitable a l'Edifici Margalef de la Fac de Biologia (Universitat de Barcelona).
Exposición visitable en el Edifici Margalef de la Fac de Biologia (Universitat de Barcelona).
Image from Freepik
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