Una exposición en la Facultad de Biología (Edificio Margalef) sobre Estadística, historia de la Facultad y curiosidades.
Una exposició a la Facultat de Biologia (Edifici Margalef) sobre Estadística, història de la Facultat i curiositats.
An exhibition at the Faculty of Biology (Margalef Building) on Statistics, history of the Faculty and curiosities

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Some photographs of the exhibition in the hall of the Margaleff Building of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona

The term hazard comes from the Hispanic Arabic az-zahr, which means "dice, and this word in turn comes from the classical Arabic "zahr". Hazard is a combination of unpredictable circumstances or causes, complex, non-linear, without a plan previous and without purpose, which supposedly cause a certain event to happen that is not conditioned by the relationship of cause and effect or by human or divine intervention. This event can be good and it can also be a misfortune caused by chance, fortune, chance, luck. Chance is a fortuitous event, not programmed, and if it is negative it is a setback.

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De azar e incertidumbre.
Of chance and uncertainty

Learn and teach through museums and exhibitions.
Preserve history

Visitable exhibition in the Edifici Margalef of the Faculty of Biology (Universitat de Barcelona).
Exposició visitable a l'Edifici Margalef de la Fac de Biologia (Universitat de Barcelona).
Exposición visitable en el Edifici Margalef de la Fac de Biologia (Universitat de Barcelona).

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